F5L-Therm thermostatic single-lever mixer DN 15 as wall-mounted mixer for wall mounting, for shower facilities. Thermostatically controlled mixer cartridge with expansion element and active scald protection as well as adjustable and turn-proof temperature stop and ceramic disc technology. With mechanism for optional water hygiene unit with C-module for automatic hygiene flushing and readout of statistical data. For connection to hot and cold water. Scald-protected, safe-touch housing with outlet on top, G 3/4 B, for installation of outlet bend or wall-mounted shower pipe. All-metal construction, polished chromium-plated brass. Volume-reduced, smooth water lines made of brass without nickel coating, decoupled from the tap housing. With thermal insulation components to reduce heat transfer from the tap housing to the cold-water line. With adjustable and lockable connections with backflow preventers and strainers, fully covered by depth-adjustable screw rosettes.
Thermostatic single-lever wall-mounted mixer
F5L-Therm thermostatic single-lever mixer DN 15 as wall-mounted mixer for wall mounting, for shower facilities. Thermostatically controlled mixer cartridge with expansion element and active scald protection as well as adjustable and turn-proof temperature stop and ceramic disc technology. With mechanism for optional water hygiene unit with C-module for automatic hygiene flushing and readout of statistical data. For connection to hot and cold water. Scald-protected, safe-touch housing with outlet on top, G 3/4 B, for installation of outlet bend or wall-mounted shower pipe. All-metal construction, polished chromium-plated brass. Volume-reduced, smooth water lines made of brass without nickel coating, decoupled from the tap housing. With thermal insulation components to reduce heat transfer from the tap housing to the cold-water line. With adjustable and lockable connections with backflow preventers and strainers, fully covered by depth-adjustable screw rosettes.
• První keramická termostatická kartuše pro pákové směšovací baterie řady F5LT a F4LT-Med
• Na dynamickém tlaku nezávislá, konstantní teplota dodávané vody
• Zabezpečená proti zpětnému toku studené a teplé vody
Těleso Safe Touch
Těleso Safe Touch
• Ochrana před popálením při kontaktu s tělesem armatury
Oddělené vedení vody
Oddělené vedení vody
• F4LT-Med Pákové směšovací
nástěnné baterie jsou vybaveny
tepelněizolačními prvky, které
snižují přenos tepla z tělesa
armatury na vedení studené
• Od tělesa armatury oddělené,
objemově snížené, přímé vedení
vody je vyrobeno z mosazi s
nízkým obsahem olova (obsah
olova ≤ 0,2 %) a bez potažení
Kompatibilní s C-modulem
Kompatibilní s C-modulem
Možnost kombinace s C-modulem k ovládání a nastavení parametrů kompatibilních armatur (až 100), i ve skupinách, pomocí příslušné aplikace KWC Smart Connect