Self-closing thermostatic wall-mounted mixer with hand shower connection
Self-closing thermostatic wall-mounted mixer with hand shower connection
F5S-Therm self-closing thermostatic mixer DN 15 for wall mounting, for shower facilities. Hydraulically controlled, connects to hot water and cold water. With mechanism for optional hygiene unit with C-module for automatic hygiene flushing and readout of statistical data. FRAMIC self-closing cartridge, hydraulically controlled, low maintenance and stagnation free, with ceramic disc technology, self closing, flow pressure independent due to medium-independent design. Fully adjustable flow duration. Thermostat with metal handle with adjustable and turn-proof temperature stop, with option for performance of manual thermal disinfection. Scald-protected, safe-touch housing with hand shower connection, G 1/2 B. All-metal construction, polished chromium-plated brass. With adjustable and lockable connections with backflow preventers and strainers, fully covered by depth-adjustable screw rosettes.
Self-closing thermostatic wall-mounted mixer with hand shower connection
F5S-Therm self-closing thermostatic mixer DN 15 for wall mounting, for shower facilities. Hydraulically controlled, connects to hot water and cold water. With mechanism for optional hygiene unit with C-module for automatic hygiene flushing and readout of statistical data. FRAMIC self-closing cartridge, hydraulically controlled, low maintenance and stagnation free, with ceramic disc technology, self closing, flow pressure independent due to medium-independent design. Fully adjustable flow duration. Thermostat with metal handle with adjustable and turn-proof temperature stop, with option for performance of manual thermal disinfection. Scald-protected, safe-touch housing with hand shower connection, G 1/2 B. All-metal construction, polished chromium-plated brass. With adjustable and lockable connections with backflow preventers and strainers, fully covered by depth-adjustable screw rosettes.
Fitting Range with Modular
Innovation Cartridge
• Patentovaná, první keramická
samouzavírací kartuše pro hydraulické armatury F5S
• Funguje nezávisle na dynamickém tlaku, bez stagnace vody
Těleso Safe Touch
Těleso Safe Touch
• Ochrana před popálením při kontaktu s tělesem armatury
Termická dezinfekce
Termická dezinfekce
• Možnost provádění termické dezinfekce
• Ruční nebo automatická (podle provedení armatury)
Kompatibilní s C-modulem
Kompatibilní s C-modulem
Možnost kombinace s C-modulem k ovládání a nastavení parametrů kompatibilních armatur (až 100), i ve skupinách, pomocí příslušné aplikace KWC Smart Connect