Smart vattenhantering med C-modulen för tvätt och dusch

Väggmonterade F5-blandarna med C-modul
De optimerade väggmonterade F5-blandarna finns nu som elektronisk termostatblandare med C-modul, självstängande hydraulisk termostatblandare och engreppsblandare. De omfattar dessutom även en förmonterad hygienenhet med integrerad C-modul eller med möjlighet att lägga till denna enhet senare.
Magnetventilpatronen i hygienenheten gör det möjligt att utföra en automatisk hygienspolning för att förhindra stagnation i installationssystemet och därmed garantera god dricksvattenhygien. En fabriksinställd hygienspolning körs var 24:e timme.

C-modul & KWC Smart Connect app
Liksom med den valfria kombinationen med stående F7-blandare gör C-modulens funktion det möjligt att styra och parametrisera installationen. C-modulen tillåter direktanslutning mellan kranen och appen.
Med den nya appen KWC Smart Connect kan upp till 100 kranar kopplas samman på ett säkert sätt, eftersom det trådlösa nätverket är lösenordsskyddat. Detta innebär att det går att ha gruppbaserade kranfunktioner på hygienrumsnivå utan ytterligare investeringar i överordnad styrutrustning. Man kan ställa in individuella inställningar som vattenflödestid eller sensorområde. Allmän information som t.ex. batteristatus kan visualiseras och relevant statistisk data kan läsas och sparas.
Väggmonterade F5-blandarna för tvätt
KWC F5S Therm
Self-closing thermostatic wall-mounted mixer with pre-fitted hygiene unit

KWC F5S-Therm
Self-closing thermostatic wall-mounted mixer with pre-fitted hygiene unit

KWC F5S-Therm
Self-closing thermostatic wall-mounted mixer with pre-fitted hygiene unit

KWC F5E-Therm
Electronic thermostatic wall-mounted mixer with battery operation

KWC F5E-Therm
Electronic thermostatic wall-mounted mixer with battery operation

KWC F5E-Therm
Electronic thermostatic wall-mounted mixer with battery operation

KWC F5S-Therm
Self-closing thermostat wall-mounted mixer

KWC F5S-Therm
Self-closing thermostat wall-mounted mixer

KWC F5S-Therm
Self-closing thermostat wall-mounted mixer

KWC F5L-Therm
Thermostatic single-lever wall-mounted mixer with pre-fitted hygiene unit

KWC F5L-Therm
Thermostatic single-lever wall-mounted mixer with pre-fitted hygiene unit

KWC F5L-Therm
Thermostatic single-lever wall-mounted mixer with pre-fitted hygiene unit

KWC F5L-Therm
Thermostatic single-lever wall-mounted mixer

KWC F5L-Therm
Thermostatic single-lever wall-mounted mixer

KWC F5L-Therm
Thermostatic single-lever wall-mounted mixer

KWC F5E-Therm
Electronic thermostatic wall-mounted mixer with battery operation and pre-fitted C-module unit

KWC F5E-Therm
Electronic thermostatic wall-mounted mixer with battery operation and pre-fitted C-module unit

KWC F5E-Therm
Electronic thermostatic wall-mounted mixer with battery operation and pre-fitted C-module unit

Väggmonterade F5-blandarna för dusch
KWC F5S-Therm
Self-closing thermostatic wall-mounted mixer with pre-fitted hygiene unit

KWC F5S-Therm
Self-closing thermostatic wall-mounted mixer with hand shower connection and pre-fitted hygiene unit

KWC F5S-Therm
Self-closing thermostat wall-mounted mixer

KWC F5S-Therm
Self-closing thermostat wall-mounted mixer

KWC F5S-Therm
Self-closing thermostatic wall-mounted mixer with hand shower connection

KWC F5L-Therm
Thermostatic single-lever wall-mounted mixer with pre-fitted hygiene unit

KWC F5L-Therm
F5L-Therm thermostatic single-lever wall-mounted mixer with hand shower connection and pre-fitted hygiene unit

KWC F5L-Therm
Thermostatic single-lever wall-mounted mixer

KWC F5L-Therm
Thermostatic single-lever wall-mounted mixer with hand shower connection

KWC F5E-Therm
Electronic thermostatic wall-mounted mixer with battery operation and pre-fitted C-module unit

KWC F5E-Therm
Electronic thermostatic wall-mounted mixer with battery operation

C module
C module
• C module is included in the scope of delivery • Tap functions can be controlled and parameterised in groups • Wireless networking of up to 100 taps possible via KWC Smart Connect app
C module compatible
C module compatible
Can be combined with C module for controlling and parameterising compatible taps, also in groups (up to 100) via the related KWC Smart Connect app
Water hygiene flushing
Water hygiene flushing
Activated water hygiene flushing, factory-set
Statistical data storage
Statistical data storage
• automatic storage of hygiene-related functions in the electronics along with the date, time and frequency of use • read via a bi-directional remote control from the accessory program